SPE Distinguished Lecturer Meeting_February_14_2020

Starts:  Feb 10, 2020 05:40 AM (IST)
Ends:  Feb 14, 2020 05:40 PM (IST)
Associated with  New Delhi Section
February 2, 2020
Dear Member,

How Resilient Are We? An Examination of the Vulnerabilities of Upstream and Downstream Infrastructure to Natural Disasters and its Mitigation Effort

We hope you can join us, and make the most of SPE Distinguished Lecturer–Hitesh Mohan’s visit to our section.

SPE Distinguished Lecturers are industry experts and outstanding speakers, nominated by their peers, to share their knowledge and expertise on the latest industry trends and technologies with SPE members throughout the world through visits to local sections.

New Delhi Section
Friday, February 14, 2020
1500 Hours onwards followed by High Tea
Managment Centre, DUB, ONGC, Vasant Kunj,New Delhi

Natural disasters continue to be prevalent across the world. Tsunamis can impact regions surrounding the Ring of Fire and climate change is leading to more severe tropical cyclones. Global supply and demand is threatened as much of the world’s infrastructure is located on coastlines. To protect global supply and demand, we have conducted a detailed assessment of infrastructure along all of the U.S. coasts vulnerable to intense natural events. The Study also looked at major natural disasters effecting the petroleum industry across the globe This presentation addresses: what is vulnerable? Are we resilient? What are the global impacts?

As a first step following Superstorm Sandy, an infrastructure reliability and resiliency study was conducted. For the study, various disaster impacts were examined to assess their resiliency to disruptions globally. Since then, the author has examined other effects such as sea level rise and high winds. The study also looked at both short-term and long-term global supply and demand disruptions. Additionally, past events and expertise were used to assess the probability and severity of resulting damage from a natural disaster. Assessments have helped develop mitigation strategies such as alternative routes, berms, communication and new storage options for coastal infrastructure.

Reliable and consistent petroleum supply to consumers is vital to the global economy. Our study highlights that any infrastructure disruption can cause severe global economic downturns.

The presentation focusses on the disruptions in the US and around the world. Case studies for significant disasters will be presented.

An Extra 45 Minutes Can Provide a World of Knowledge!

Rahul Bali
Program Chair
+91 955 980 8787
Society of Petroleum Engineers - New Delhi Section
222 Palisades Creek Drive, Richardson, Texas 75080
+1.972.952.9393 | E-mail |
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Managment Centre, Ground Floor
DUB, ONGC, Vasant Kunj,
New Delhi, 122001
